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IRS collections

If you can’t pay the taxes you owe to the IRS, you may be able to get 1 of 4 collection alternatives the IRS offers. We can help you navigate these solutions.

What to do when you owe taxes and can't pay

If you owe taxes and don’t pay, you could face IRS collection, including liens, levies, and even passport restrictions, depending on your tax situation. Learn about collection agreements you may be able to request.

What you should know about the 6 types of Collection Information Statements (Form 433)

What you should know about the 6 types of Collection Information Statements (Form 433)

IRS collection agreements based on your ability to pay require that you give the IRS a complete picture of your finances. You can do this on any of the 6 IRS Collection Information Statements. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to fill out an IRS Collection Information Statement (Form 433), read on.

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Your 6 options when you can’t pay your tax bill

Your 6 options when you can’t pay your tax bill

Right now, more than 17 million individuals owe the IRS back taxes. Each year, about 32 million tax filers owe the IRS when they file a return. Thirty percent of these taxpayers can’t pay and need an IRS alternative to full payment. If they can’t get one, they could face enforced collection actions from the IRS, including a levy, a tax lien, or even passport restrictions when they owe more than $55,000. 

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You defaulted on your IRS payment plan. Now, what?

You defaulted on your IRS payment plan. Now, what?

First, you aren’t alone. In 2021, the IRS sent 2.4 million defaulted installment agreement notices.

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